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Damian Zaker

Investment Manager

Investment Areas

Verticalized Software

Let’s Connect

Damian Zaker joined the b2venture Fund Team in April of 2022, after previous stints at Visionaries Club and the CVC Division of the Swiss Stock Exchange.

Originally from Zurich, Damian studied Law and Economics at the University of St. Gallen with the idea of becoming a corporate lawyer. However, his interest in technology led him to pursue a minor in Data Science, where he got into programming. “I was amazed by how a few lines of code could bring a product to life and how stellar teams could eventually turn such a product into a great company,” he says.

After witnessing this kind of magic as a Founders' Associate at a Swiss Fintech, he became passionate about supporting founders as an investor. 

“I am a big proponent of the multi-generational concept that guides our firm, as we bring seasoned operators-turned-angel investors together with the next generation of entrepreneurs just starting out.”

Damian Zaker
Investment Manager

Influenced by his parents‘ past, who both had to leave their home countries due to political instability and start from scratch, Damian is looking to support the maverick founders who want to leave their mark within the European ecosystem.

“The European tech landscape has become globally relevant and is producing outstanding outlier companies – partnering up with them early on gets me out of bed everyday” he says.

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