Advancing Medical Science Toward a Disease-Free World - Why we invested in Yendou

Johanna Junkermann
February 28, 2024
min read

Advancing Medical Science Toward a Disease-Free World - Why we invested in Yendou

Johanna Junkermann
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Jul 1, 2024
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Advancing Medical Science Toward a Disease-Free World - Why we invested in Yendou

Advancing Medical Science Toward a Disease-Free World - Why we invested in Yendou

Johanna Junkermann
February 28, 2024
min read

Every year 41 million lives are lost to treatable diseases. On average it requires 12 years and USD 2 billion to introduce groundbreaking medicine to the market. The selection of clinical sites alone contributes to a third of the clinical trial timeline. Numerous pharmaceutical companies continue to rely on highly manual processes, using spreadsheets and various SaaS products to collect and manage clinical data. A significant challenge arises from the lack of seamless communication between these tools. When essential information about an employee or clinic changes in one system, manual updates are often required in other products, and in many cases, this does not occur.

That is why we are excited about leading Yendou’s’ $1.3 million pre-seed round. The HealthTech startup is building a specialized data and business automation platform tailored for Clinical Operation teams within the life science industry. The company's innovative approach addresses the critical inefficiencies in clinical trial site selection, which currently accounts for a third of the clinical trial timeline and incurs significant costs. 

Here are some more reasons why we believe in Yendou: 

💪🏼 Strong and complementary team with relevant expertise: The team behind Yendou of Zina Sarif and Patrick Rogg possesses industry-specific expertise and the necessary skills to successfully develop and scale this solution. Zina, the founder, faced the challenges addressed by Yendou firsthand during her tenure in cancer research. Her deep understanding of the problem, coupled with an extensive network in the field, positions her uniquely to lead the charge. Alongside co-founder Patrick, the duo has demonstrated impressive capabilities in building the initial product, showcasing a remarkable Founder-Market Fit.

⏰ Tedious process & many inefficiencies: Clinical trials have become a major obstacle in drug development for pharmaceutical, biotech, and consumer health companies. The speed and reliability of the more than 9,000 industry-sponsored clinical trials each year are notoriously low, with 86% of clinical trials experiencing delays. Notably, the flaws in current site selection strategies create substantial impediments in oncology drug development, resulting in escalated costs, prolonged timelines, and suboptimal patient recruitment. Yendou addresses these challenges by utilizing predictive models and integrating real-world data to improve site performance and streamline the clinical trial process, ultimately expediting the journey from drug development to market launch. This is of paramount importance in the life science industry where getting breakthrough medicines to market swiftly can be a matter of life and death. Furthermore, the efficiency gain translates to substantial R&D cost savings.

🛣️ Smart GTM approach: Yendou initially focuses on the study feasibility and site selection process. The urgency to kick off clinical trials and attain the critical "site activation" milestone is high, and the existing manual processes contribute to widespread frustration due to incomplete information. By establishing a stronghold in the feasibility phase, Yendou not only addresses a critical pain point but also positions itself to cultivate strong relationships with pharmaceutical companies at the outset of clinical trials. This approach not only mitigates frustrations but also enables Yendou to build robust relationships and leverage network effects.

🗯️Enhancing Organizational Interoperability: The platform facilitates enhanced communication and collaboration by enabling the seamless sharing of historic insights and real-world data between sponsors and sites. This not only improves the site-sponsor relationship but also contributes to overall trial efficiency. Yendou's solution stands as a key catalyst in overcoming the communication barriers and inefficiencies that have plagued the industry for years.

Overall, we firmly believe that Yendou has what it takes to accelerate clinical trial timelines and eliminate the administrative work of running clinical operations. We are super excited to be part of this journey 🔮

Every year 41 million lives are lost to treatable diseases. On average it requires 12 years and USD 2 billion to introduce groundbreaking medicine to the market. The selection of clinical sites alone contributes to a third of the clinical trial timeline. Numerous pharmaceutical companies continue to rely on highly manual processes, using spreadsheets and various SaaS products to collect and manage clinical data. A significant challenge arises from the lack of seamless communication between these tools. When essential information about an employee or clinic changes in one system, manual updates are often required in other products, and in many cases, this does not occur.

That is why we are excited about leading Yendou’s’ $1.3 million pre-seed round. The HealthTech startup is building a specialized data and business automation platform tailored for Clinical Operation teams within the life science industry. The company's innovative approach addresses the critical inefficiencies in clinical trial site selection, which currently accounts for a third of the clinical trial timeline and incurs significant costs. 

Here are some more reasons why we believe in Yendou: 

💪🏼 Strong and complementary team with relevant expertise: The team behind Yendou of Zina Sarif and Patrick Rogg possesses industry-specific expertise and the necessary skills to successfully develop and scale this solution. Zina, the founder, faced the challenges addressed by Yendou firsthand during her tenure in cancer research. Her deep understanding of the problem, coupled with an extensive network in the field, positions her uniquely to lead the charge. Alongside co-founder Patrick, the duo has demonstrated impressive capabilities in building the initial product, showcasing a remarkable Founder-Market Fit.

⏰ Tedious process & many inefficiencies: Clinical trials have become a major obstacle in drug development for pharmaceutical, biotech, and consumer health companies. The speed and reliability of the more than 9,000 industry-sponsored clinical trials each year are notoriously low, with 86% of clinical trials experiencing delays. Notably, the flaws in current site selection strategies create substantial impediments in oncology drug development, resulting in escalated costs, prolonged timelines, and suboptimal patient recruitment. Yendou addresses these challenges by utilizing predictive models and integrating real-world data to improve site performance and streamline the clinical trial process, ultimately expediting the journey from drug development to market launch. This is of paramount importance in the life science industry where getting breakthrough medicines to market swiftly can be a matter of life and death. Furthermore, the efficiency gain translates to substantial R&D cost savings.

🛣️ Smart GTM approach: Yendou initially focuses on the study feasibility and site selection process. The urgency to kick off clinical trials and attain the critical "site activation" milestone is high, and the existing manual processes contribute to widespread frustration due to incomplete information. By establishing a stronghold in the feasibility phase, Yendou not only addresses a critical pain point but also positions itself to cultivate strong relationships with pharmaceutical companies at the outset of clinical trials. This approach not only mitigates frustrations but also enables Yendou to build robust relationships and leverage network effects.

🗯️Enhancing Organizational Interoperability: The platform facilitates enhanced communication and collaboration by enabling the seamless sharing of historic insights and real-world data between sponsors and sites. This not only improves the site-sponsor relationship but also contributes to overall trial efficiency. Yendou's solution stands as a key catalyst in overcoming the communication barriers and inefficiencies that have plagued the industry for years.

Overall, we firmly believe that Yendou has what it takes to accelerate clinical trial timelines and eliminate the administrative work of running clinical operations. We are super excited to be part of this journey 🔮

Visit the Yendou website to learn more
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